Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Purple Cage

This is a full picture of our new cage.It's pretty cool. This one has a bigger wheel for Lilly. There are ladders connecting layers.

This is the bottom layer of the new cage. There is the wheel. We also have the water bottle on the side of the cage.

Here is the middle layer. It has a house that Lilly likes to sleep in.
This is a picture of the top layer. There is a smaller wheel on the top.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today my friends came over. My friends' names are Eryn and Robyn. Eryn was dying to hold the hamster so we waited until they were awake, then we picked them up and held them. It was hard because they were squirming and trying to get away.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A New Home

Not to long ago, we went to Bend. There, we bought a new home for the hamsters. It has a smallar wheel. Every time Lilly gets in it she falls out of the side, because she is to big. It is easier to clean than the past cage. This cage has a house that they snuggle in.

tumbling ball

We have been putting Lilly in the tumbling ball. So that way they get plenty of exersise. Lilly is a fast runner... she goes all over the house in that tumbling ball! one second she is in the hallway the next second she is in the kitchen. She is HILLARIOUS.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

No exersise

My hamster has not been using the wheel lately. The manuel says that the hamsters should be put in a ball or be exersising on their wheel once a day. I'm starting to get scared. Since the hamsters aren't exersising, then they might get to fat and die. I wonder if they will exersise or not????????????????

Monday, June 2, 2008

Getting Used To It

My hamster is really getting used to her new home! I've been able to pet her but they are not used to it enough for me to hold her. My mom just put a bigger bowl in their cage a couple minutes ago, because their other one was too small for the both of them. They still havn't discovered one corner of their cage. I hope they do soon though! These are some photos my mom took.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Sorry about not mentioning the names of the hamsters. My hamster's name is Lilly and my sister's hamster's name is Marshmallow.

Yesterday when we got back from dinner we noticed Marshmallow had discoverd the wheel. Today Lilly got up in the wheel. And when she did Marshmallow blocked the tunnel's entrance so Lilly could not get back down.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Wow! New pets!

Today is my sisters B-Day. She is eight years old. My mom went to town, but before she left she told dad to give Maddy(my sister) one of her gifts. So dad did. About 2 hours later mom came home with a box. And inside the box was 2 little hamsters. When I saw them I almost screamed.

It took awhile to put the cage together,then we watched them. Lilly(my hamster) started climbing the sides of the cage. It was really funny to watch.

Oh yeah, my hamster is the light brown and white hamster in this photo. She is so cute!