Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today my friends came over. My friends' names are Eryn and Robyn. Eryn was dying to hold the hamster so we waited until they were awake, then we picked them up and held them. It was hard because they were squirming and trying to get away.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A New Home

Not to long ago, we went to Bend. There, we bought a new home for the hamsters. It has a smallar wheel. Every time Lilly gets in it she falls out of the side, because she is to big. It is easier to clean than the past cage. This cage has a house that they snuggle in.

tumbling ball

We have been putting Lilly in the tumbling ball. So that way they get plenty of exersise. Lilly is a fast runner... she goes all over the house in that tumbling ball! one second she is in the hallway the next second she is in the kitchen. She is HILLARIOUS.